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Bruce Allinson

Photographer, Photography

Hi I'm North East Photographer Bruce Allinson

Bruce Allinson's Bio:

Professional Photographer I have a life long passion for Photography and creating professional images that work for my clients in marketing, advertising, PR and promoting products or services as well as supporting their business or projects. Since 1980 I have enjoyed working as a Professional Photographer across a wide range of disciplines and sectors. My experience across a full range of disciplines for a wide variety of clients has given me a very broad skill set and a unique perspective as a professional photographer. I have a full and complete understanding of the workings of the advertising, marketing and PR industries as well as business, social enterprise and other sectors. My clients enjoy the benefits this skill and experience brings them when I'm delivering professional photography. My photography, creativity and knowledge brings direct benefits and support for my clients business or project. My Skills I have the experience & skills to work across all photographic disciplines and work everyday delivering professional services as: o Advertising Photographer o PR Photographer o Event Photographer o Commercial Photographer o Photographic digital lab and image manipulation work o Wedding Photographer o Landscape Photographer o Architectural Photographer Additional Experience I have also enjoyed supporting good causes with with my creative skills and services as a volunteer. I founded the registered charity "Design Aid" in 1997. Design Aid went on to provided well over ?1m of professional graphic design and related services to good causes. Experience with Design Aid has left me with an even better understanding of how all aspects of creative marketing and advertising industries work from Design and Print to Web and Marketing. I genuinely wish to support help all my clients across all sectors, I believe Allinson's Photography clients have always valued my support almost as much as my extensive experience and professional photographic services.

Bruce Allinson's Experience:

  • Creative at Bruce Allinson

    Website design, logo design and branding, design for print and SEO work

  • Creative at M. ology


  • Photographer, Darkroom Tech, at Photogenic

    It would not be wrong to say that at Photogenic (throughout the 80s and beyond) we consistently delivered the best photographic services available across the North East. As all the regions leading Advertising Agencies and Marketing Companies increasingly turned to Photogenic to provide the best creative photography to support a client base that included many global brands and market leaders. I enjoyed delivering the very best in creative photography for use in brochures and advertising for the likes of Berghaus, Flymo, Nissan, Barbour, Nike, Scottish and Newcastle, Bass and many more. While at Photogenic I was directly responsible for the completion of photographic work; quotations; construction of price lists; training of all laboratory personnel; supervision of all staff members; liaising with clients and all associated professionals; purchase of equipment, stock and services as required; quality control; ensuring all machinery and equipment is maintained and repaired as necessary; devising new techniques to overcome problems; liaising closely with clients and other members of staff to amalgamate and improve ideas to overcome difficulties.

  • Photographer at Allinson's Photography

    Allinson's Photography was established in 1989 by Professional Photographer Bruce Allinson to provide professional photography to business and people. Having worked as a Professional Photographer Since 1980 for some of the Regions Leading Advertising Agencies Bruce as worked with many Global Brands and Market leaders, this brings a wealth of proven experience and skill to Allinson's Photography. "I began work as a professional photographer in Newcastle upon Tyne in 1980. I worked successfully for over a decade at leading Newcastle Photography Studios before establishing "Allinson's Photography" in 1989." Allinson's Photography provides the very best in all aspects of professional photographic services from Commercial Photography to Industrial or Landscape Photography and PR Photography to Wedding Photography. Allinson's also provides a very high standard of pre production processing, image manipulation and digital lab services. With millions of professional photography shoots and many other photographic assignments behind me, (including, professional photography, photographic lab services, image manipulation and exhibition print services) you can be confident that I have the experience and skills needed to deliver the photographic service you require on time and in budget. To find out how I can support your business or project by providing professional images with out breaking your budget . . . Call or text me Now on t: 0191 624 7736 m: 07736 250 624

Bruce Allinson's Education:

  • Heaton School

Bruce Allinson's Interests & Activities:

Photography, Advertising, PR photography, commercial photography, product photography, Art, Design, Literature, Motorcycles, Cameras, Charity, Motorsport

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